Free Drills to Unlock Tour Level Wrist Action
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Lead and Trail Wrist Synergy in Motorcycle Move

In this post coach Tyler Ferrell, co-founder of Golf Smart Academy, continues to explain the Motorcycle Move – a drill that helps to square the clubface early. If you haven’t seen it, start by exploring it here.

To square the clubface early – aim for movement towards lead wrist flexion and trail wrist extension in transition.

Trail wrist data, which is available in all HackMotion sensors, provides useful additional information on the wrist movement in the downswing. Tyler explains how lead wrist flexion and trail wrist extension works in synergy.

The Science Behind the Motorcycle Drill

Watch the presentation by Tyler Ferrell (32 min) to learn more about the data he uses to analyze golf swings and how it differs for professionals and amateurs.

Additionally, Tyler explains how other body movements (shoulder rotation, side bend, torso rotation) can affect the move.

Tyler combines data from AMM and HackMotion. Note that AMM flexion/extension graphs are reversed vs HackMotion.

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