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Calibration and Data Accuracy

In order to maximize practice sessions with the HackMotion sensor, it is essential to begin every session by calibrating it for precise data accuracy. 

This post will provide a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to accurately calibrate your sensor, offer insights on when it is necessary to re-calibrate, and explain how the Hackmotion sensor works. By following these instructions, you can ensure reliable and accurate data measurements during future practice sessions.

How to Calibrate Your Sensor?

Start a session and follow the calibration steps:

Step 1: When calibrating, position your hand parallel to your chest, maintaining a slight distance from your body. This method offers a natural posture, minimizing arm movement while calibrating the sensor and providing visibility to ensure a flat wrist position.

We recommend forming a fist during the calibration. This position mimics the natural position of your wrist when gripping a golf club.

Step 2: Now, lift your forearm to a gentle angle of approximately 30 – 45 degrees. Focus on keeping your elbow steady (don’t move your elbow) without any inward or outward movement of your arm. The exact degree to which you lift your forearm does not matter, but it is recommended to aim for moving your hand approximately halfway upward.

WARNING: If the HackMotion sensor is calibrated incorrectly, it can affect the absolute numbers of the measurements, though the relative numbers would remain accurate. This means that while the overall comparisons and trends of your swing data are valid, the specific numerical values will be inaccurate. 

Therefore, it is crucial to ensure proper calibration.  The first position serves as a baseline to obtain reliable absolute numbers for precise analysis and improvement of your swing performance. However, the relative numbers that indicate your deviation from the Address position are the key focus here. These numbers provide valuable information about your swing and offer target ranges that you should aim for.

When to Re-calibrate Your Sensor?

After calibrating your sensor, you can always re-calibrate it at any moment during your practice session. For example, if the 3D model or data you receive after each shot doesn’t make sense, recalibrate the sensor  for better data accuracy. Also recalibrate if the sensor shifts or moves on your wrist. 

To check if the sensor is properly calibrated, you can examine if your wrist is comparable to the  flat wrist of the 3D model. 

NOTE: You can ignore minor differences of a few degrees (+/- 5 degrees), because it is impossible to always place the wrist perfectly straightIf you find yourself frequently recalibrating your sensor, it may be due to extra movement of the sensor caused by your golf  glove and the velcro attachment. To address this issue, there are alternative methods of securing the sensor to ensure it stays in place during your practice sessions.

What to Do When Data is Changing Significantly From Swing to Swing?

It depends on how much your data is changing. For example, a 5-degree change is insignificant and often happens when you re-grip your club at the address. Remember that even if your address changes, the green ranges in the Clubface Control mode are calculated relative to your address position.

How Does the Sensor Work?

The HackMotion sensor operates by capturing the swing at the moment of impact, when the club makes contact with the ball and generates vibration. The sensor then analyzes the data by referencing the wrist positions at the Top and Address positions. 

Currently, to have swings accurately captured and utilize the HackMotion device, it is necessary to practice with a ball in order for the sensor to read the data effectively.