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Understanding Data in Clubface Control Mode

After each swing in Clubface Control – HackMotion provides data insights for you based on PGA tour player benchmarks as well as a detailed summary of your most pressing issue with recommended drills and data driven insights.

Here’s how to interpret the data you get from HackMotion and get started with Clubface Control.

Position cards

Your first insights can be gained from looking at your position cards after each swing. They provide a quick summary of what happend in your swing at key swing moments: Address, Top and Impact.

The number at the top shows the actual measurement of your wrist angles while the “Benchmark” values indicate your distance from the target ranges. 

It’s crucial to understand the target ranges for each position as they provide feedback on how far you’re off from an ideal wrist position in that swing.

Measured wrist angles:

This number show your actual measured wrist angles for a specific position. For instance, in the image belove, your actual measured wrist angle at Impact was +5 degrees, while your wrist position at the top of the swing was +2 degrees

Target range:

The green area shows where your wrist angles should be during the swing. These target ranges are based on your address position and will change according to your measured wrist angle at address.

You can learn more about target ranges here.

Here’s a quick summary of how the target ranges work:

  • Top position: Aim for a wrist extension range of -20 to +5 degrees compared to your address position. This means your wrist should be in the same or slightly more flexed position at the top of the swing as it was at address.
  • Impact position: Aim to reduce your wrist extension by 15 to 30 degrees from your address position. This helps you add shaft lean at impact and close your clubface.

For example, if your address position is +10 degrees, the target range for the top position would be -10 to +15 degrees. For the impact position, the target would be -5 to -20 degrees.

In the given example above, the top position is green because your measured wrist angle (+2 degrees) is within the target range of -10 to +15 degrees. The impact position is red because your measured wrist angle (+5 degrees) is 10 degrees off from the target range for impact.

Swing Graph

You’ll find the swing graph directly below the Position cards. The swing graph visually represents the movement of your wrist throughout the entire swing from Address to Impact.

The are different graph shapes for different swings, and we can’t list all the possible shapes in this article, but we will show you how to read the graph.

For example, to explain this graph:

  1. The golfer started their swing at around 0 degrees at address.
  2. During the first half of their backswing till P2 (~half of the whole backwing) they started adding a little flexion
  3. In the second half of the backswing the golfer started to lose the added flexion but still managed to make it within the target ranges for their Top position
  4. At the start of their downswing they started adding flexion
  5. Right before impact the golfer lost all of their flexion and started adding extension to their wrist, ending up with ~ 10 degrees of extension at impact.

Key issue this session

After you finish you practice session you will receive a detailed analysis from HackMotion on what was the most prominent issue in your swing.

Here HackMotion provides detailed explanations of what went wrong

As well as recommends drills and insights based on your data

Wrapping up

You should now be able to comfortably get out there and start analysing your swing. No need to worry if you didn’t quite get all of this information instantly as HackMotion will generate a high level summary for you after each session.

If you have any other questions that are not answered in this article feel free to write to us at [email protected]