Free Drills to Unlock Tour Level Wrist Action
Unlock Tour-Level Wrist Action
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Motorcycle Drill using HackMotion Biofeedback by Tyler Ferrell

In this post, coach Tyler Ferrell explains the Motorcycle Move, why it’s helpful, and how he uses HackMotion sensor’s biofeedback to teach it during his lessons.

The terminology used: Flexion (-)/Extension (+) = Bowing/Cupping of the lead wrist.

Watch the video below to see how Tyler uses HackMotion sensor.

Tour professionals, at impact, have around -25 degrees more flexion (more bowing) of the lead wrist than they had at address. If the average pro player has 25 degrees extended (cupped) lead wrist at address, he on average has 0 degrees extended (flat) wrist at impact.

By studying tour player wrist motion from the top of the backswing to impact, we see that they do something a little different from most amateur golfers.

Many of them flex the lead wrist with a motion similar to a “motorcycle move” and get the clubface square to the target line earlier. This allows them to hit more powerful and solid shots.

What is the “Motorcycle Move?”

At the top of the backswing, take your lead hand and pretend it is no longer on a golf grip but on a motorcycle grip.

Feel the knuckles of your lead hand turn counter-clockwise as you start your downswing. This will give you the feel of closing the face earlier in your downswing.

If you turn your knuckles but don’t keep rotating your body, you will hook the golf ball or start the ball well left of your target. If you turn your body but don’t knuckle down enough, you will leak it to the right.

Take a look at 3 drills that Tyler Ferrell recommends using with Hackmotion Biofeedback.

3 HackMotion Biofeedback Drills

Drill 1: This drill is for players who tend to cup the lead wrist at the top and open the clubface too much.

They have too much wrist extension at the top, so if they make the wrist flatter at the top, the wrist will also be flat or slightly bowed during downswing and impact.

  1. Set Hackmotion real-time biofeedback to make a sound when lead wrist is flat or slightly bowed, biofeedback range -20 degrees (flexion/bowing) to 0 degrees (flat).
  2. Make practice swings and get immediate audio signal once you get into the correct position. If you are out of the position, there is no audio signal.

Drill 2: This drill is for players who tend to extend (cup) the wrist during the downswing. Practice the motorcycle move during transition, when hands are around chest height.

  1. Set Hackmotion real-time biofeedback to make a sound when your wrist is flat or slightly bowed, biofeedback range -20 degrees (flexion/bowing) to 0 degrees (flat).
  2. Make a practice swing and when hands are at shoulder height during downswing, dynamically move from lead wrist extension to flexion.

Drill 3: This drill is for exaggerating the bottom of the swing to feel the wrist not extending.

  1. Set Hackmotion real-time biofeedback to make a sound when lead wrist is flat or slightly bowed, biofeedback range -20 degrees (flexion/bowing) to 0 degrees (flat). Get into normal address position (around 30 degrees extended).
  2. Take a short backswing to 9 o’clock and really flex (bow) your lead wrist, so the sound signal is playing. Then hit the ball and keep the signal playing.

In-depth Overview of Motorcycle Move

If you want a more in-depth analysis of the motorcycle view, take a look at this Tyler’s video from GolfSmartAcademy, where he uses AMM data to analyze different tour player swings.

Please note that the AMM data will be upside down when compared to HackMotion sensor’s data. In AMM system’s data, flexion (bowing) is positive value and extension (cupping) is a negative value.

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