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Wrist Action in Golf Swing: Practical Guide with Drills to Help You Master It

Could you analyze a golf swing and tell whether or not the wrist action was correct?

If you answered no, you are not alone.

In fact, many professionals are not even entirely sure about how their wrists should be positioned and how angles will impact their ball flight.

Wrist action in the golf swing is confusing.

However, with the right tools, the correct knowledge, and a bit of time working out the details, you can improve the way you swing a golf club and become a more consistent player.

Ever heard the term, “It’s all in the wrists”? Whether that was referring to golf or not remains to be seen, but if you want to improve your wrist action, you are in the right place.

Wrist Action in Golf Swing (Key Takeaways)

After analyzing more than 1,000,000 golf swings, we’ve poured a lot of detail and discovery into the information here.

However, if you’re short on time, here are a few of the most essential facts to take with you right now:

  • The wrists move in three ways: extension/flexion, radial deviation/ulnar deviation, and pronation/supination.
  • Flexion and extension in the wrists are most critical for learning to control the clubface and hit straighter shots.
  • The wrist position changes throughout the swing, so it must be correct at setup and at the top of the backswing to have the best chance for a square and solid impact.
  • The best way to measure and analyze wrist action in golf is to use the HackMotion wrist sensor and record data at setup, top of the backswing, and impact.
  • A quick way to fix slices, hooks, pushes and pulls is to get the proper wrist action in your golf game; wear your HackMotion as you practice. It’s like having a coach with you on the range.

If you prefer to watch instead of read, here’s a recap of all the basics of wrist action. This video will help you understand the role of the wrists and how wrist action impacts your golf game.