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Get FREE Drills to Unlock Tour Level Wrist Action

Get FREE Drills to Unlock Tour Level Wrist Action

Improve your wrist mechanics and take control of your clubface with 3 simple drills from golf coach Rob Cheney.

Achieve consistency and master clubface control with 3 simple drills.

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3 Proven Drills to Unlock Tour Level Wrist Action
Unlock Tour-Level Wrist Action
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7 Proven Drills to Improve Consistency & Boost Confidence

It’s so much fun to go to the course and shoot a 72, right? Even an 82 or a 92 is a great score for some players.

However, the game gets frustrating when you shoot a 72 one day and an 84 the next.

The problem is your consistency.

If you find that consistency is an issue for you in your golf game, the key is to practice some drills.

The best golf drills for consistency will narrow down your mistakes and help them happen less often. Let’s look at these 7 drills for consistency in your golf game.

Which Drill Should You Do?

If you already know the issue costing you your consistency, here are some shortcuts to the drills that will help you the most.

The Secret to a Better Golf Swing Starts with Your Wrists!

Your clubface angle at impact determines 80% of your shot’s direction—your wrists control that angle. Check out these proven wrist drills for better control and take your game to the next level.

The 7 Drills to Unlock Consistency & Boost Confidence

The “Wrench” Drill

The wrench drill encourages a more forward low point and can help with that ever-important ball first contact.

If you feel like you can’t compress the ball and you struggle with weight transfer in your golf game, the Wrench Drill is a good one to start with.

If you wear your HackMotion while completing this drill, work on trying to have a little more flexion in the lead wrist through impact.

  • Video Timestamp: 0:28-1:58

The “Wrench” Drill – Step by Step

  1. Set the Weight Forward: At setup, place your pelvis and roughly 100% of your weight on your lead (front) foot.
  2. Hold that Weight: Imagine your lead hip is the “bolt” on a wrench; you’re rotating (turning) around that point.
  3. Keep Weight on the Front: As you swing, maintain lead-side pressure so the bottom of the arc stays ahead of the ball.

The Arm-Connection (Ball Between Arms) Drill

While you may need to add a training aid to your arsenal for this drill, it’s one that you can continue to use regardless of your skill level.

The Arm Connection drill helps keep your arms from separating and feeling that “chicken wing” type movement in your golf swing.

To play consistent golf, you’ll want your body and arms to work together and this Arm-Connection drill can help that happen.

  • Video Timestamp: 2:00-3:46

The Arm-Connection Drill – Step by Step

  1. Secure the Ball: Place a small inflatable or foam ball between your upper forearms (just above the elbows).
  2. Swing in Sequence: Hit half- to three-quarter shots, maintaining the pressure on that ball so it doesn’t fall out.
  3. Progress to Fuller Swings: Once comfortable, make fuller swings, keeping the ball secure throughout.

Hit Hard, Stop Quick Drill

The Hit Hard Stop Quick drill is one that works without you having to think about it.

The goal here is to improve low point control and prevent your arms and wrists from flipping or losing structure through impact.

You’ll learn to stay stable through impact while still generating speed. This drill may help you learn to hit knockdown or punch shots.

  • Video Timestamp: 4:39-9:21

Hit Hard, Stop Quick Drill – Step by Step

  1. Full Backswing, Abrupt Stop: Make a full backswing, then hit the ball hard while trying to stop the clubhead as soon as possible after impact (e.g., around waist-high).
  2. Maintain Arm/Wrist Structure: Keep the lead wrist flexed (not “flipping”) and arms extended through the strike.
  3. Gradually Increase Speed: Start slower (like “Hit Medium, Stop Quick”), then build up to full swing speeds.
  4. Wear HackMotion: Focus on reading more flexion at impact than at address. Check how quickly you “lose” that flexion after the strike.

The Door Frame Sway Drill (Driver/Full Swing)

The Door Frame Sway Drill will encourage you to get your hips forward in the downswing while keeping your head stable.

If you struggle with inconsistency in the driver, this is a good one to help you feel more stable at impact.

Wearing your HackMotion while you practice this drill, you should be able to determine how your wrist action varies from iron to driver.

  • Video Timestamp: 3:39-5:38

The Door Frame Sway Drill – Step by Step

  1. Use a Door Frame: Stand so your lead ear is an inch or two away from a door frame (or upright stick).
  2. Simulate Impact: Practice shifting hips toward the target without letting your head drift backward into the frame.
  3. Progress to Swings: Once you sense how to keep the head stable and move the hips forward, add a club and swing through with that same motion.

HackMotion “Combined Top” Drill

The HackMotion Combined Top Drill ensures you get the top of your backswing wrist position correct.

This drill is built into the HackMotion app and will help ensure you aren’t overly cupped or extended at the top of your swing.

While most amateur golfers struggle with too much extension at the top (leading to slices), the HackMotion Combined Top Drill will also help you fix excess wrist bowing.

Combined Top Drill in HackMotion

Train your top position by mastering optimal wrist angles. Challenge yourself to reach the ideal wrist position during a full-speed backswing.

HackMotion Combined Top Drill – Step by Step

  1. Setup in Address Posture: Turn on HackMotion and caliaste per usual.
  2. Slowly Move to the Top: Go to your normal top-of-backswing position.
  3. Check the HackMotion Graph: Adjust your lead wrist into the recommended “green zone” if you’re too extended or too flexed.
  4. Ingrain the Feel: Repeat multiple times, adding small half-swings with a ball once you can reliably hit that zone.

The Intermediate Target Tee Drill

The Intermediate Target Tee Drill helps if you are prone to overthinking or mechanical thoughts once you get out on the course.

This drill is one to practice on the range, but then bring it with you to the golf course.

The drill will help you focus on a short-range target to improve your aim and clubface awareness.

  • Video Timestamp: 9:53-11:00

The Intermediate Target Tee Drill – Step by Step

  1. Pick a Target: Behind the ball, choose a small spot or tee about 1 foot in front of the ball on your intended line.
  2. Square the Face and Swing Through: Align your clubface and path so you’re “hitting” through that tee, not just the ball.
  3. Keep It Simple: This can be done on every shot (even on-course). It tightens your focus and keeps your swing purposeful.
  4. Check HackMotion consistency at address: While you are working on your alignment and finding this consistent position, wear your HackMotion.

Alignment Stick “Drag the Stick” Follow-Through

The last drill to help you unlock consistency and increase confidence is the Drag the Stick drill.

For this one, you will need an alignment stick. The drill helps correct arm extension and ensure stable wrist angles past impact.

If you have weak or inconsistent follow-through positions or flip through impact, the Drag the Stick drill can help.

  • Video Timestamp: 2:29-3:58

Drag the Stick Drill – Step by Step

  1. Position the Stick: Place one alignment stick under your trail arm, gripping the top so the stick angles behind you.
  2. Drag It Forward: From the top, “drag” the stick along the ground as you rotate through, keeping your arms extended.
  3. Stop at Waist-High: At waist-high in the follow-through, your arms and wrists should still have structure (lead wrist fairly flat, trail wrist extended).

Final Thoughts

As you’ll see from these golf drills for consistency, it takes practice to become a more consistent player.

However, if you’re willing to put in the time, you’ll see significant improvement and start shooting lower scores.

Consistent golf comes from delivering your wrists to impact the same way every time. Use HackMotion to measure and refine your wrist position for better control and accuracy.

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