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Get FREE Drills to Unlock Tour Level Wrist Action

Improve your wrist mechanics and take control of your clubface with 3 simple drills from golf coach Rob Cheney.

Achieve consistency and master clubface control with 3 simple drills.

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3 Proven Drills to Unlock Tour Level Wrist Action
Unlock Tour-Level Wrist Action
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6 Effective Golf Swing Plane Drills That Actually Work

Getting your golf club on plane can mean straighter, longer shots that end up close to your target.

If you are struggling to get the club on plane, it could be because you aren’t exactly sure what the proper swing plane is.

Here are six great golf swing plane drills that get the club on the proper plane, help you hit better shots, and result in lower golf scores and more consistency.

The Secret to a Better Swing Plane Starts with Your Wrists!

Your clubface angle at impact determines 80% of your shot’s direction—and your wrists control that angle. Click here for the best wrist mechanics drills and build a swing that stays on plane and delivers consistent results.

6 Proven Drills to Perfect Your Golf Swing Plane

HackMotion Casting Drill

If you are casting or throwing the club from the top of your backswing, it’s going to get off plane.

Preventing the early cast is possible if you retain your wrist angles on the downswing. This casting drill will also help if you struggle with a steep over-the-top downswing.

The Casting Drill is available in the HackMotion app, so you can practice it in real time.

  • Video Timestamp: 3:53-6:50

HackMotion Casting Drill – Step by Step:

  1. Set Up: Put on your HackMotion sensor (if available) so you can monitor lead wrist angles.
  2. Swing to the Top: Make a normal backswing. Pause briefly at the top.
  3. Check Wrist Angle: Use the sensor or your feel to ensure the lead wrist is still slightly hinged (not flattened out).
  4. Transition With Lower Body: Begin your downswing by shifting weight onto your lead foot and turning the hips. Avoid throwing the hands or straightening the lead arm too soon.
  5. Retain or Slightly Increase the Wrist Angle: As you start down, feel that you either maintain the lead wrist bend or even increase it a touch.
  6. Slow Repetitions: Practice in slow motion first to ingrain the “retain–then release” move at the bottom.
  7. Full Speed: Gradually build to faster swings, always focusing on not letting the club “cast” out early.

Horizontal “Baseball” Rehearsal Drill

If you are unsure what the proper swing plane looks like, this Horizontal “Baseball” Rehearsal Drill could be a good fit.

This drill helps train the correct forearm rotation without letting the shaft get too steep or flat.

Another great reason to work on this drill is to eliminate excessive hands lifting in the backswing.

  • Video Timestamp: 1:50-2:30

Horizontal “Baseball” Rehearsal Drill – Step by Step:

  1. Stand Erect: Take your normal setup, but then stand straight up so the club is level with your chest.
  2. Hold the Club Horizontal: Extend your arms so the shaft is parallel to the ground, right in front of you.
  3. Simulate a Baseball Swing: Begin turning your body as if swinging a baseball bat waist-high around yourself.
  4. Keep Shaft Level: As you “swing,” strive to keep the shaft horizontal from your mock “backswing” to your “follow-through.”
  5. Add Your Golf Posture: Once comfortable, tilt back into a normal golf posture but preserve that same around-the-body feeling.
  6. Hit Shots: Try small to half swings with a ball, focusing on the same sense of a level turn rather than an excessive up-down motion.

Inside Approach Gate Drill

If your swing plane tends to be more over the top and you want an inside out swing path, the Inside Approach Gate Drill is a good one to consider.

If you struggle with a slice, pull your shots or hit weak shots, getting the club on plane is a must.

  • Video Timestamp: 4:00-4:45

Inside Approach Gate Drill – Step by Step:

  1. Create a Gate: Place two headcovers (or tees) about 6 inches downrange from the ball and a few inches to either side, forming a narrow “gate” the club head must pass through.
  2. Check Alignment: Aim the gate slightly right of your target (for a right-handed golfer) to promote a small inside-out path.
  3. Slow Swings: Make half or three-quarter swings, ensuring the club travels through the gate without striking the headcovers.
  4. Feel the In–to–Out: As you come down, sense the club “dropping” inside instead of firing over the top.
  5. Gradually Increase: Work up to full swings, always confirming you miss the gate objects.

3 & 1 Trail Arm Drill

When your arms stay more connected to the body throughout the swing, it’s easier to keep the golf club on plane. The 3 & 1 Trail Arm drill helps you keep your trail arm in front of the body so it doesn’t get into the wrong position on the downswing.

For golfers who struggle with a flying right elbow, early release or an open clubface at impact spending a little time focusing on the trail arm can help.

HackMotion is typically worn on the lead wrist, but with the Pro version, you can also wear it on the trail wrist to collect additional data and insights.

  • Video Timestamp: 2:00-2:45

3 & 1 Trail Arm Drill – Step by Step:

  1. Position 3 (Elbow): Stand in posture and rotate your trail upper arm so that the “pit” of the elbow faces forward (as if losing an arm wrestle).
  2. Position 1 (Forearm/Wrist): At the same time, let the trail forearm rotate inward (palm somewhat toward you). This combination helps keep the club face from flying open.
  3. Set Up in 3 & 1: Address the ball with that sense: trail elbow forward, trail forearm rotated slightly inward.
  4. Take Slow Swings: As you move to the top and come back down, keep the trail elbow feeling “in front” while the forearm maintains its slightly turned-in orientation.
  5. Check Impact: You should feel more connected, no “throw” of the trail arm behind you and no forced flip to square the face.

Stop at Parallel Follow-Through Drill

When golfers think about swing plane, they almost always focus on the backswing and what happens before the ball.

The Stop at Parallel Follow-Through Drill shifts your attention to the other side of the swing, helping you develop a more consistent swing plane through and after impact.

In this drill, your goal is to focus on the follow-through and stop the club just past parallel.

  • Video Timestamp: 10:47-11:30

Stop at Parallel Follow-Through Drill – Step by Step:

  1. Set Up Normally: Take your usual stance and grip.
  2. Swing to Impact: Make a normal downswing.
  3. Stop at Parallel: Right after impact, pause when the club shaft is about parallel to the ground in your follow-through.
  4. Check Shaft & Clubface: Shaft should remain slightly trailing your lead arm (not flipped past it). Clubface should be roughly vertical, not overly rolled closed or laid open.
  5. Short Reps: Hit half swings or chip shots, stopping at parallel. Confirm the club’s orientation.
  6. Build to Full: As you get comfortable, let the follow-through continue but preserve that same sense of control.

“Thumbs Away” (No Over-Hinge) Drill

Do you tend to let your golf swing get too long?

An overly long or loose backswing can cause the golf club to get off plane and collapse at the top. From this position you’ll have a hard time getting back on plane.

The Thumbs Away drill reduces excessive wrist hinge that can take the club off plane. You’ll end up with a more compact and controlled backswing.

  • Video Timestamp: 5:00-5:45

“Thumbs Away” Drill – Step by Step:

  1. Minimal Wrist Set: At address, imagine “no wrists.” Feel like your thumbs barely hinge upward.
  2. Thumbs Away: In reality, you’ll have some wrist hinge, but focus on pointing your thumbs away from your head instead of curling them toward you.
  3. Short Backswing: Allow the shoulders and torso to turn fully, but keep the sensation of “no extra wrist bend” at the top.
  4. Transition Smoothly: Start the downswing by rotating your lower body, resisting the urge to add a sudden flick or re-hinge.
  5. Hit Waist-High Shots: Practice half swings that feel short and structured.
  6. Full Swings: Gradually lengthen to a comfortable full swing while preserving that sense of a more stable wrist set.

Final Thoughts

Even when your swing plane is correct, you still need to work on power, balance, stability, and consistency.

Your wrists being in the right position will make a big difference in the swing plane. Wear your HackMotion while you work on any of these golf swing plane drills to get even more feedback and data.

Having the HackMotion on is like bringing a coach with you to the driving range.

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Brittany Olizarowicz
written by Britt Olizarowicz

Britt Olizarowicz is a golf professional who has played the game for more than 30 years. In addition to loving the game of golf, Britt has a degree in math education and loves analyzing data and using it to improve her game and the games of those around her. If you want actionable tips on how to improve your golf swing and become a better player, read her guides.