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6 Best Golf Swing Rotation Drills to Boost Power and Consistency

Proper rotation in the golf swing gives you more power.

However, any great player will tell you that good rotation skills and movement also produce consistency.

If you want to execute the same shot over and over again, you have to rotate your body.

We’ve put together some of the best rotation drills in the game.

You’ll find a solution here, whether you struggle with too much or not enough rotation. Drills are a great way to feel what it is you are doing wrong and the best steps to get it fixed.

6 Effective Rotation Drills for Your Golf Swing

Shadow Rotation

If you spend enough hours on the driving range you’ll start to work with the tools you have there to fix issues with your golf swing.

Here’s a unique way to utilize your shadow when working on your rotation.

Position yourself so the sun is behind you, giving you a view of your shadow.

On the ground, place one golf ball in the shadow of your left hip, one in the shadow of your right hip, and one in the shadow of your head. Now, hold the club across your shoulders and start to take some swings.

Ensure your head and hips do not move laterally outside the golf balls on the ground. Do this drill several times until you can feel how much tighter this motion or rotation needs to be in order to make it efficient.

Straight-Line Motion in Backswing and Downswing

If turning or rotating confuses you, this straight-line motion drill can help.

Sometimes, golfers feel like they can’t time this rotation properly or turn more than they should.

For this drill, take your normal stance and practice moving the weight straight back into the heel of your trail foot without letting your knee move toward the ball. Make sure the weight transfer is straight back.

Once you have that feeling down, from the top of the backswing, push the weight straight into the lead foot. You’ll feel the pressure on the mid to front part of the foot. You can do this with a little speed to accelerate through the ball.

Now that you have the feeling down, focus on this straight-line motion of transferring weight back and forth without any lateral movement.

Sometimes, just focusing on the feel of the weight in your feet can be enough to straighten this rotation issue out.

Split Hand Grip

Our hands are some of our most useful tools, but they make golf a bit harder at times.

After analyzing more than 1,000,000 swings with our HackMotion wrist sensor we know how golfers tend to change their hand movement when they go from one handed to two handed swings, or from split hand grip to traditional grip.

This split-hand grip drill will take your mind off your wrist and hand movement and help you improve your rotation.

Start by splitting your hands on the club so your trail hand is about halfway down the shaft. Now take a backswing, and as your shoulders turn, allow your head to turn towards the sky. Relax your head and neck and feel this complete shoulder turn.

Again, as we see in the other drills for rotation make sure you have not swayed and instead made the clean pivot. When you get the feeling down, put two hands back together as you normally would on the club.

Load and Transfer Drill

The load and transfer drill is best for golfers who are noticing that they are lacking power and distance in their swing.

For this one, focus on getting into your traditional setup. Visualize yourself wearing a large belt buckle. As you take your backswing, start with a push into the ground of your trail leg, helping you feel taller and getting that belt buckle behind you.

This loads up the weight.

On the downswing, push off with this leg, rotate, and get the belt buckle to the target.

Sometimes, all you need are these checkpoints to feel the proper rotation.

The biggest thing to remember with this drill is not just the rotation of the buckle but the feeling of the weight in the feet as well.

Lead Hand Drill

Rotation in the golf swing is not just about the body. The hands also need to rotate.

For this drill, you will want to wear your HackMotion because you can check the position of your wrists and see how they are rotating through impact.

This is a two-part drill. First, you will work on taking half a backswing and rotating the shaft with your wrists through impact. Once you have that motion down, you will start working on the lower body rotation.

Watch the video and learn this drill in two parts to help create power, consistency, and higher and straighter golf shots.

Rory Mcllroy Synchronize Right Side Movements Drill

Professional golfers focus on rotation not just for the backswing but also through the ball. When you are good at rotating your body through the ball, you’ll have a lot more power.

Rory Mcllroy has plenty of power in his golf swing, and he uses this drill.

He thinks about his right elbow, right hip and right knee working together to rotate through the shot. (This is for right handed players). Synchronizing the hip, elbow and knee leads to better coordination and a smoother and more powerful rotation.

Final Thoughts

Golf swing rotation is something you can always improve.

Whether you have been playing golf your entire life or you just started a few weeks ago, your rotation timing and strength can always use some help.

While working on your rotation, make sure to wear your HackMotion. Record some data to see how your game is progressing. Wearing the HackMotion is like having your coach with you at all times.

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Brittany Olizarowicz
written by Britt Olizarowicz

Britt Olizarowicz is a golf professional who has played the game for more than 30 years. In addition to loving the game of golf, Britt has a degree in math education and loves analyzing data and using it to improve her game and the games of those around her. If you want actionable tips on how to improve your golf swing and become a better player, read her guides.