Rob Cheney wrist mechanics mini course

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Get FREE Drills to Unlock Tour Level Wrist Action

Improve your wrist mechanics and take control of your clubface with 3 simple drills from golf coach Rob Cheney.

Achieve consistency and master clubface control with 3 simple drills.

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3 Proven Drills to Unlock Tour Level Wrist Action
Unlock Tour-Level Wrist Action
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Motorcycle Drill using HackMotion to Improve Your Downswing

After analyzing more than 1,000,000 golf swings with the HackMotion wrist sensor, we know that most amateur golfers have too much lead wrist extension at the top of their backswing.

This extra extension leaves the clubface open at impact, making it more difficult to square up the clubface and strike the ball consistently.

The Motorcycle Drill is one of the best wrist action drills you can practice to fix that position.

We’ll show you how to perform the Motorcycle Drill step-by-step, why it works, and how to implement it into your practice routine.

Step By Step HackMotion Motorcycle Drill

Below is a breakdown of the “Motorcycle Drill,” as explained in the video from HackMotion.

This approach shows you exactly how to twist or “rev” the club in a way that promotes a flatter (or slightly bowed) lead wrist, helping you square the face earlier in your downswing.

1. Understand the “Motorcycle” Twist

The Motorcycle Drill gets its name from twisting a motorcycle throttle.

In golf, you want to twist the grip the opposite way, as if slowing the motorcycle down.

This move reduces wrist cupping (extension) at the top of the backswing, which is a common cause of an open clubface, slices, and weak shots.

By twisting your wrist toward flexion (bowing), you help close the clubface earlier in the downswing, leading to more solid, powerful strikes.

2. Set Up Your HackMotion Sensor

  • Put on your HackMotion sensor and check your lead wrist extension/flexion reading at address.
  • As you move to the top of your swing, note how much extension (cupping) you naturally create. Some amateurs have 20–30 degrees more extension than needed.

3. Practice Moving from the Top to P6

  • “P6” is where your club shaft is parallel to the ground during the downswing.
  • From the top of the backswing, twist the club (motorcycle action) so that the lead wrist moves from extension toward flexion.
  • On HackMotion, watch the extension/flexion number decrease (move closer to zero or become negative). A slightly bowed or flat wrist is the ideal zone.

4. Check Your Ball Flight

  • Hit a few shots focusing on this new wrist move.
  • If you notice hooks or shots going left, you’ve likely over-bowed your wrist (too much flexion). 
  • If you still see a slice, you may not be adding enough flexion. Continue to “twist” a bit more until you see the ball flight straighten or draw.

5. Let the Ball (and HackMotion Data) Guide You

If your ball flight is improving and it is straighter with more powerful contact—you’re on the right track.

Combine the real-time audio/visual feedback from HackMotion with your own ball flight observations. Adjust until you find the ideal range of wrist angles for your swing.

Motorcycle Drill – Master Wrist Flexion in the Downswing

Focus on continuously adding flexion until the club reaches parallel, then smoothly complete your swing.

What is the “Motorcycle Move” in Golf?

At the top of the backswing, take your lead hand (the left hand for right-handed golfers) and imagine it’s gripping a motorcycle throttle.

  • Feel the knuckles of your lead hand rotate counter-clockwise (toward the ground) at the start of your downswing.
  • This rotation helps “close” the clubface earlier.
  • If you stop rotating your body but keep twisting your wrist, you’ll hook the ball.
  • If you rotate your body but don’t twist the wrist enough, you’ll block it out to the right.

Who is the Motorcycle Drill For (When Can It Help Your Game)?

The Motorcycle Drill works for a few different swing flaws. Golfers who slice the ball will find the Motorcycle Drill to be a great drill to try.

  • Chronic Slicers: If you struggle with an open clubface at impact, leading to a slice, you are likely overextended in your lead wrist at the top. The Motorcycle Drill promotes earlier face closure on the downswing and a better impact position.
  • Players Adding Too Much Loft: If your 7-iron behaves like a 9-iron (high, weak shots), you’re probably “flipping” or “cupping” through impact. Bowing the wrist earlier helps deloft the club at impact for stronger strikes.
  • Over-the-Top Swings: Many golfers try to fix an overly open face by coming “over the top.” Learning to set the wrist properly will allow a more neutral path without having to make additional adjustments.

Final Thoughts

The motorcycle drill is one of the most important when trying to learn the proper wrist position in the golf swing.

With the motorcycle drill you’ll get your hands in the right place well before you get to impact. By the time you are accelerating through impact your clubface will be square and you’ll be ready to strike the ball cleanly.

Get out there and work on the motorcycle move. If you want to see the real impacts, do it with the HackMotion wrist sensor on.

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