Wrist Mechanics in Golf

Did you know that 80% of your golf ball’s direction is determined by your clubface angle?

To hit straight shots, you need to control that angle—and your wrists are what make it happen.

Here, you’ll find everything you need to master wrist action in your golf game.

Check out the interactive video element to see how your wrists influence the swing.

For a deeper dive into specific techniques and tips, simply scroll down to explore our wrist action-related articles.

Wrist Action Fundamentals

After studying more than 1,000,000 golf swings, we know that golfers with the best wrist action follow a specific pattern throughout their swing.

That pattern can be repeated to create more distance, better ball flight control, and lower scores.

This information will help you improve your wrist action fundamentals.

Practice Drills for Optimal Wrist Action

Are you unsure what proper wrist action feels like?

Try to recreate the feeling during a drill and then transfer that to the course. Working on drills is a great way to get the wrists in the right position and improve your game.

Mastering Clubface Control

The wrists control the clubface of the golf club. Whether you hit the ball with an open, closed, or square clubface, it’s because your wrists are involved.

These tips, drills, and insights will help you take charge of the clubface.

Recent Articles on Wrist Mechanics

Explore our recent articles on wrist mechanics for tips to improve your golf game.

Find out how wrist action changes for different shots like pitch shots, bunker shots, and chips. Learn to adapt your wrist mechanics for better performance.

Discover solutions to common wrist issues, like too much wrist hinge or increased extension at the top of your swing. Our articles offer practical advice to help you achieve a more consistent and effective golf swing.