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Get Into a Powerful Lag Position with HackMotion

Athletic Motion Golf coaches Mike Granato and Shaun Webb explain lag and wrist angles.

Understand Different Types of Lag

A lot of players try to create lag by over-setting wrists and pulling down on the club, creating poor consistency and sometimes even hands and fingers coming off the club.

But not all lag is created equal.

HackMotion sensor’s wrist data shows that there are 2 types of lag depending on the amount of wrist extension (cupping) you have in your lead wrist.

After you have watched the video above, read more about the differences between the 2 types of lag below.

Image 1: Weak lag – player is trying to “force lag” by hinging and cupping the wrists too much. Hard to control the clubface from such position.

Image 2: Powerful lag – player is not overhinging his wrists. Even though it looks like the amount of lag is smaller, this lag is easier to control and will produce more powerful shots.

Decreasing Wrist Hinge is NOT Casting

Watch the video below in which Monte Scheinblum quickly explains the anatomical wrist terms and why losing wrist hinge is not the same as casting the club.

  • Bowing/Cupping = Wrist Flexion/Extension
  • Cocking/Uncocking = Wrist Radial/Ulnar deviation.

If you want a detailed introduction to wrist angles, read this HackMotion article – INTRO TO WRIST ANGLES.

A lot of players think that if you are not holding on to the lag as long as you can you are “casting”, but that is not always the case if you are also rotating your body correctly.

Players who try to create more lag by too much extending (cupping) the lead wrist will struggle with controlling the clubface.

Amateur vs Tour Player – Wrist Extension Data

HackMotion wrist graph is an excellent way of analyzing wrist motion during the transition phase. Look at the graph below. The green dotted line is a Tour player’s wrist extension and solid green line is a typical amateur’s wrist extension pattern.

  • Amateur – starting from the top of the backswing typically increases the extension (cupping) in his lead wrist – the solid green line goes “up”.
  • Tour player – better at keeping the wrist extension stable and then gradually flexing (bowing) the wrist until impact.

Even though both players arrived to a similar position at impact the pro will do it more consistently and with better control of the clubface.

  • The green dotted line is tour player’s wrist extension – gradual bowing of the wrist during downswing.
  • The solid green line is typical amateur’s wrist extension pattern – increasing extension, trying to force lag.
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