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12 Easy Golf Swing Tips for Ladies You Can’t Afford to Miss

There is a lot of advice out there for women golfers, too much, if you ask me.

Sometimes it gets difficult to know which swing tips are beneficial and which are just created by your playing partners and friends to make them seem like a professional.

Well, the next time you start getting bombarded with tips, check them against our list of the 12 easy swing tips for ladies, so you feel more confident about which advice you follow.

These 12 swing tips can apply to your gram, regardless of handicap.

Best Golf Swing Tips for Ladies – At-a-Glance

If you don’t have time to go through all 12 of our best tips, here are the three that stand out.

  • Always accelerate through the golf ball on every swing.
  • Pay attention to weight distribution at set up and at impact.
  • Learn the proper wrist action in the golf swing.
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12 Easy Golf Swing Tips for Ladies

Accelerate Through Every Shot You Hit

The idea that women golfers can’t get as much distance as men golfers is a big one in the game of golf.

However, it has gone so far that some women golfers have this concept in their heads that they are not capable of distance.

This isn’t true.

Women golfers should go after the ball and accelerate through every shot they hit.

Sure, men may hit it further, but in the end, you will have to at least try and get as much distance out of your shots as you can.

Acceleration creates better turf interaction, more ball speed, and impressive ball flight. Sounds like things you will want to keep around!

female golfer swing after shot - image from awareness video

Don’t be Afraid to Chase Distance

To further enhance our number one swing tip for ladies, distance chasing is acceptable.

In fact, some of the best shots I hit are those that I think to myself, “I’m going to go after this shot.”

Distance can be chased by purchasing new equipment, but it’s certainly better to do it the old-fashioned way, with proper mechanics and precision.

When you hit the ball in the center of the clubface, it will go further.

If you then apply speed to the golf swing and hit the shot in the center, the results are really impressive.

Being on a quest for more distance by working on your golf swing positions is part of the process of becoming a great golfer.

Learn the Toe Up Position

From working with many women golfers, I have found that they are unaware of the positions that matter in the golf swing.

One of these positions is when the golf club is at waist high, just after takeaway.

From this position, the golf club should have the toe pointing up in the air, and the club should be on a line that is heading towards your target.

This is a very early part of the swing to check on, and if you have a major problem or issue in your takeaway, you can pick up on it really quickly.

The more I work with a golfer, the more I realize that their swing flaws are in the first part of their golf swing. Most golfers that miss a shot do not have a perfect swing that ends up going wrong at impact.

It’s possible but not likely.

Use Alignment Sticks to Check the Swing Plane

Golf alignment sticks can be helpful when trying to determine swing plane and accuracy.

I like putting an alignment stick down to check on my feet position and alignment, but women golfers should learn how to put one in the ground as well.

One end of the golf alignment stick has a point. Take a look at the angle that your golf club shaft makes with the ground.

This angle is the swing plane you will want to stay on (or at least close to during your swing).

Set up to hit a shot and take a look at this angle, then put the alignment stick in the ground about four or five feet behind you at the same angle. Now as you practice, you can look back and check the position of your swing to see if it is on the plane.

Many women golfers don’t use this method because they are afraid they don’t have the swing plane angle perfect. There is little room for error here, as it is just meant to be a guide.

When you get better with alignment sticks and feel more confident, you can use them much closer to you and as a guide for your swing plane. At first, you can use it as a mental reminder, and a self check too.

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1. What do you want to improve in your full swing?

Learn to Move the Lower Body

Although golf may look like it is all in the arms and hands, that would be wrong.

Golfers can learn to efficiently move their lower body behind the golf ball and then, through it, can generate a tremendous amount of power and distance in their golf game.

Another great thing that comes from moving the body is consistency.

I start each of my swings, thinking about the turn in my hips. The hips start to turn back, and then the rest will follow.

If I started this swing with the arms and hands taking the club away from the ball, the hips might follow, but they may not. Some women golfers have so many swing thoughts in their minds that they forget to keep their body moving.

Ladies must consider the importance of the turn and how it gets you into the right position.

Couple playing golf with the woman on green to hole

Feel the Pause at the Top

Pausing the club at the top of the swing is an age-old tip and nothing all that revolutionary.

However, it still deserves a spot on this list.

The pause at the top can really turn a bad day on the course into something salvageable.

Pausing at the top of your swing gives you a second to get back on plane, to feel the club moving in the proper direction, and to understand that transition from backswing to downswing.

This is not a long pause.

I like to feel like I put the club down on a shelf at the top of my swing, and then I have to quickly pick it back up again.

It’s probably an odd swing thought, but it worked for me when I was trying to establish a better tempo and a more consistent golf swing.

Let the Club be Heavy

I love this swing tip.

Golf clubs for women are incredibly light; the lightweight feel helps improve distance and clubhead speed.

I’m not suggesting that you purchase a heavy golf club. Instead, you will want the mindset that the club in your hands is a bit heavy.

With this mindset in place, you should make contact with the ground much easier.

Many women hit the ball thin because they don’t strike the ground with a descending blow. If the club feels too lightweight and you do not remember this downward motion in the swing, your strike will be very inconsistent.

Instead, learn to feel that the club is heavy.

This heavy feeling will help take the arms out of it a bit and focus your game more around the body movements, the larger muscles, and even the shoulders.

The Wrist Positioning is Key

Some golf tips will tell you to keep the wrists out of the swing.

That is entirely incorrect.

The wrists play a vital role in the game of golf; it’s just that most amateur players don’t understand what this role is.

At one point in my game, I was struggling with distance.

I had all the right things going for me; I just couldn’t capitalize on the distance. It turns out that the issue was wrist motion. I didn’t have the proper amount of wrist hinge at the exact time.

HackMotion was created to encourage golfers to find the proper wrist positions in their swing and learn to repeat them.

HackMotion is a feedback tool that provides information to help capitalize on what the wrists can do for your game.

woman wearing HackMotion golf wrist sensor

One Swing isn’t Going to Cut it

Wouldn’t it be great if one swing was all you needed to play great golf?

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

There is much more to the game than this.

Women golfers tend to get hung up on creating one perfect golf swing instead of learning the other shots out there.

Learn to hit a fade and a draw.

When you learn how to hit a fade and a draw, you will also learn valuable information about the swing that can help you if you accidentally start slicing or hooking your shots.

The fade and the draw don’t need to be used constantly, but you may be able to hit one or two of them during the course of a round and help your scoring.

My favorite way to hit a fade and a draw are to change the setup slightly. It keeps things simple and allows for you to capitalize on the benefits of these shots without changing the swing.

This video is an excellent example of how to hit a fade and a draw with your driver.

Chip Shots are Miniature Full Swings

If you are not great at chipping, chances are you aren’t great with your irons.

The short game ties into the long game quite a bit.

For golfers that are struggling to make consistent contact with the ground while chipping, and compress the ball, the same will be the case for the full swing.

Do not be afraid to make contact with the ground.

One of my favorite ways to help women golfers do this is to feel just a little bit of extra weight on your left foot.

This slight lean on the left encourages a descending blow and helps the ball get up in the air, have higher spin rates, and ultimately end up near the hole.

Chip shots that are hit well can help take your game to the next level.

Downhill and Uphill Lies Don’t Need to Change the Swing

Do you know how to make adjustments for downhill and uphill lies?

Don’t feel like you need to change your golf swing; learn to change the setup.

The setup requires a little more weight on the toes for a ball below your feet. For a ball above your feet, hold the club a bit further down the grip. Don’t be surprised if your distance or direction is impacted; you will have to account for this.

Typically when the ball is below the feet, the tendency is the shot will go to the right. If you keep your weight towards the toes, there is a good chance the ball could end up straight.

When the ball is above your feet, expect the shot to go to the left, make sure to swing straight down the target line, and not wrap the club around you.

female golfer ready for golf shot - image from awareness video

Proper Weight Distribution can Increase Power

Finally, weight distribution, both at setup and throughout the swing, needs to be perfect for you to create enough power in your golf swing.

I encourage you to focus on the vertical position of your weight at setup and the horizontal.

Make sure that when you set up to hit a golf shot, your body weight is in the middle of your foot and that the weight is more towards the inner portion of your leg.

If you let weight move to the heel or the outside of the foot, the ability to create power and consistency in the swing will be lacking.

Check the weight position again at the end of the swing and ensure that it has properly transferred through the ball.

Article Summary

With these 12 easy swing tips for ladies, you don’t have to fix everything in one day.

In fact, it makes the most sense to work on your game in pieces.

Pick one or two things to work on, see how they go, and then make adjustments.

Starting small with a short game tip or trick tends to be one of the best choices as it usually gets your brain into learning mode and allows you to make changes from there.

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Brittany Olizarowicz
written by Britt Olizarowicz

Britt Olizarowicz is a golf professional who has played the game for more than 30 years. In addition to loving the game of golf, Britt has a degree in math education and loves analyzing data and using it to improve her game and the games of those around her. If you want actionable tips on how to improve your golf swing and become a better player, read her guides.