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Wrist Action in Golf for Women Golfers: The Key to Power and Consistency

Women golfers have different strengths in their golf swing than men. However, there is no getting around the idea that wrist action for women is very important.

Women don’t always have as much wrist strength as men, but the position of the wrist is often more important than the strength.

Correct wrist action can lead to more power and consistency in your game.

The wrists come into play from tee to green, and I’ll show you exactly what you need to get your wrist action right.

Key Takeaways

If you don’t have time to read the entire article, here are a few of the most important takeaways.

  • Women golfers need to understand extension (cupping) and flexion (bowing) in the golf swing; too many women have an excess of extension which leads to a loss of power.
  • Wrist action in golf controls the clubface direction and impact, which in turn controls the direction of your golf shot.
  • Increasing the amount of flexion in the lead wrist at the top of the backswing can lead to a faster rotation through impact and more power.
  • Physical strength in the wrists can be a problem for some women players; there are exercises to help with that.
  • Wrist action in putting is all about consistency; having the same or similar amount of wrist movement over and over again is the most important aspect.
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What do the Wrists do in the Golf Swing?

Before you start on your journey to improving your wrists in your golf swing, let’s make sure you know the role the wrists play.

I bet you have heard the wrists should just “stay out of it” or “don’t break your wrists.” This information isn’t exactly correct.

wrist positions in golf

Clubface Control

The most critical role of the wrists in golf is the control of the clubface. When wrists are positioned properly through impact, the clubface will be square.

We know speed is important in golf, but the most important aspect of gaining distance and hitting longer shots is to strike the golf ball in the center of the clubface.

Wrist action, especially a flexed lead wrist at impact, can make all the difference.

Several Different Movements

Wrist action is typically talked about as bowing or cupping, which is the same as flexion and extension.

However, the wrists also move in other ways throughout the swing.

These include supination and pronation and ulnar and radial deviation. The up and down movement of the wrists, as well as the rotation, make this concept a bit complicated.

HackMotion is like having a golf coach with you at all times to ensure your wrists are doing what they should.

Ball Compression

When shopping for golf balls you have probably been told to look for a lower compression ball. The lower compression design is supposed to help slower swing speed women get more distance out of their shots.

However, proper wrist action in golf can improve your ability to compress the ball.

Distance and Accuracy

In addition to learning how to strike shots in the center of the face, proper wrist action in golf will increase distance and accuracy.

Most amateur women golfers adjust their wrists as they get to impact to try and square the face.

If we can get your wrist to the proper position at the top of the swing, there is nothing that will slow you down through impact.

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1. What do you want to improve in your full swing?

How to Improve Wrist Action in Golf for Women Golfers

Now, the actionable advice you need.

How can we get you into the correct position throughout your swing?

I’ll give you actionable steps and tips and explain how using HackMotion can make this much easier to comprehend.

Note: You can do all of these drills and movements without the HackMotion wrist sensor. However, if you want to measure results and progress, HackMotion’s data is invaluable.

Setup to the Top of the Swing – Control The Extension

Let’s focus mainly on the lead wrist (left for right-handed golfer). When you set up to hit a shot, the velcro on your golf glove faces the target. As you swing the club back, that is going to change.

If the velcro turns quickly and starts facing away from the target, that’s bowing or flexing. When the velcro instead lingers in its position of facing the target, that will lead to more extension.

Most amateur golfers increase the amount of extension they have from setup to the top of the swing.

This is a mistake.

The key is maintaining the extension or flexion in your lead wrist from setup to the top.

You can measure this with HackMotion, but you can also take some one-handed swings and look to see what your wrist has done. Is it cupped at the top? If it is, you are already in a position requiring some work to square the face.

Top of the Backswing – as Flat as Possible

At the top of the backswing, the ideal position is to have the lead wrist as flat as possible.

wrist position at the top of the backswing and hackmotion app

Of course, there are variations of this as we see golfers like Dustin Johnson being significantly bowed and players like Ben Hogan having more flex.

However, most female golfers should be looking to get the wrist as flat as possible. For many players, myself included, the visual aspect of this is the most important part.

You have to understand what the ideal position looks like and compare it to where you currently are positioned.

Transition – Make Your Move Right Away

Another exciting thing we have learned by studying the swings of more than 1,000,000 golfers using HackMotion is what happens during the transition. The transition from backswing to downswing is a crucial aspect of the game.

The best players in the world work very hard to square the clubface and flex their lead wrist almost immediately after transitioning from backswing to downswing.

The sooner you can get your lead wrist into a flexed position on the downswing, the easier it is to speed up your body and get those extra 15 yards.

Impact – Lead Wrist Flexion is a Must

At impact, the lead wrist must be in a flexed position.

too much extension at impact position using HackMotion app

The quicker you can feel this position from the top, the easier it is to accelerate through the ball and still hit a straight shot.

Most women golfers have the incorrect idea that a flip at impact will help them get under the ball and launch it into the air. This just isn’t the case.

A flexed lead wrist gets your golf shot up in the air, compresses the ball, and decreases dispersion rates.

Ways to Build Up Wrist Strength

Women golfers sometimes underutilize wrists in the golf swing because of a lack of strength.

Here are a few exercises to try to build up wrist strength.

Having worked on these myself I can tell you that they have helped me maintain better angles in my lead wrist through impact.

Exercise NameDescriptionHow to Perform
Wrist Curls with Golf ClubThis exercise focuses on flexor muscles of the wrist, enhancing grip strength and clubface control.Hold a golf club vertically in one hand. Curl the wrist upwards, bringing the club as close to the forearm as possible. Repeat 10-15 times, then switch hands.
Reverse Wrist Curls with Golf ClubTargets the extensor muscles in the wrist, essential for balance in wrist strength.Hold a golf club with your standard grip. Extend the wrist upwards, lifting the club as high as comfortable. Do 10-15 repetitions for each hand.
Golf Club RotationsImprove wrist flexibility and rotational strength.Hold a golf club horizontally in front of you with both hands. Rotate the club clockwise and then counterclockwise, making full wrist circles. Perform for 30 seconds.

Case Study: My Experience with HackMotion

I started working with the HackMotion about a year ago. I spend time with it each week to keep track of my wrist angles and see what improvements I could make.

I’m a golf professional and have been playing for 30 years. To be honest, I thought my wrist positioning in my golf swing was quite good.

Although I can’t say it was terrible, there was room for improvement. By using HackMotion, I’ve learned how to get a much flatter wrist position at the top of my swing.

woman wearing HackMotion golf wrist sensor

For years, I had to manipulate the face a little through impact. Unlike a lot of golfers who struggle with a fade, my issue was a large draw. Sometimes, I just didn’t want that draw, and it all came from me having to work to square the face of the club.

I can now draw or fade the ball whenever I want, but my straight shot is as straight as it’s ever been. I’ve picked up some distance, especially with the driver, and overall, my sharpness in my short game has also improved.

HackMotion is absolutely built to help the female golfer, and the wrists are a tremendous opportunity to gain power and consistency. However, most women golfers need to utilize this opportunity more.

HackMotion wrist sensor and swing analyzer


Here are some commonly asked questions about wrist action in golf for women.

Does HackMotion work for women golfers?

HackMotion is a golf swing analyzer focusing on wrist control that works for any golfer who wants to hit longer and straighter shots. Women golfers often struggle with wrist action because of a lack of strength and awareness, and HackMotion can fix both.

How should your wrist be when hitting a golf ball?

When hitting a golf ball, your lead wrist should be flexed in a position that squares the clubface and allows for a straight, penetrating ball flight.

What is the correct wrist position in golf for women?

Women who can lessen or eliminate extension at the top of their backswing will hit fewer slices, strike the golf ball with consistency, and develop more clubhead speed through the golf ball.

Final Thoughts

If you are tired of fighting a slice, feel like you are losing power, or know that your swing could be more accurate, wrist action is something that you need to invest a little more time in.

HackMotion makes it easy to run out to the driving range (without the help of a professional) and learn how to lower your scores.

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Brittany Olizarowicz
written by Britt Olizarowicz

Britt Olizarowicz is a golf professional who has played the game for more than 30 years. In addition to loving the game of golf, Britt has a degree in math education and loves analyzing data and using it to improve her game and the games of those around her. If you want actionable tips on how to improve your golf swing and become a better player, read her guides.