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Wrist Action: The Secret Ingredient for Consistent Golf Swing!

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Wrist Action in Golf for Women Golfers: The Key to Power and Consistency

Women golfers have different strengths in their golf swing than men. However, there is no getting around the idea that wrist action for women is very important.

Women don’t always have as much wrist strength as men, but the position of the wrist is often more important than the strength.

Correct wrist action can lead to more power and consistency in your game.

The wrists come into play from tee to green, and I’ll show you exactly what you need to get your wrist action right.

Key Takeaways

If you don’t have time to read the entire article, here are a few of the most important takeaways.

  • Women golfers need to understand extension (cupping) and flexion (bowing) in the golf swing; too many women have an excess of extension which leads to a loss of power.
  • Wrist action in golf controls the clubface direction and impact, which in turn controls the direction of your golf shot.
  • Increasing the amount of flexion in the lead wrist at the top of the backswing can lead to a faster rotation through impact and more power.
  • Physical strength in the wrists can be a problem for