The 8 Most Common Wrist Mistakes in Your Golf Swing and How to Avoid Them
Do you ever feel like it’s easier to make mistakes in golf than to do things right?
You aren’t alone.
There are so many areas of the game that are easier to misunderstand. Also, sometimes, the right move in golf just feels wrong.
However, until you get your wrists in the correct position and make the proper movements throughout the swing, you’ll have difficulty squaring the face at impact.
These are the 8 most common wrist mistakes in golf and the best drills and practices for you to fix them.
Key Takeaways
If you don’t have time to read our entire guide on the common wrist mistakes in golf and how to avoid them, here are a few key points to take away.
- Excessive lead wrist extension reduces control, power, and consistency in shots. Check your position at the top and then again at impact.
- Hinging wrists early on takeaway extends the lead wrist, leading to a steep swing plane and poor contact.
- Flipping wrists at impact to square the clubface results in thin and fat shots, reducing control over the ball; instead, work on maintaining a flat or slightly flexed lead wrist.
- Releasing wrists too early on the downswing causes you to lose lag and power, negatively impacting distance and shot consistency.
- Use HackMotion to measure your wrist action and make sure you are in the correct position as you play.