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How to Increase Smash Factor (7 Things to Try)

Smash factor is a golf stat that measures efficiency in the golf swing. It essentially measures how efficiently you transfer your clubhead speed into ball speed.

To calculate smash factor you divide ball speed by clubhead speed.

Therefore, both ball speed and clubhead speed matter when trying to get that smash factor number near 1.5 (traditionally considered ideal).

Smash factor measurements are almost always talked about in relation to driver distance.

We will show you seven ways to increase the smash factor and some drills you can work on today to reach your maximum potential on the course.

Improving Smash Factor (Key Takeaways)

If you don’t have time to head to the range and work on your smash factor right now, at least, take these key points with you right now.

  • The ideal smash factor with your driver is around 1.5.
  • It takes a combination of the right equipment, increased clubhead speed, and square contact to see the differences in the smash factor.
  • Using the HackMotion to gain control of your clubface through wrist action will ensure that you hit the center of the clubface.
  • Don’t be afraid to schedule a custom fitting to make sure your equipment is the correct match for you.
  • To measure your smash factor use a high-quality launch monitor and record it before and after these drills and strategies.

How do You Increase Smash Factor

To increase smash factor, you will want to do the following things:

  • Make clean contact with the ball.
  • Hit the sweet spot of the club.
  • Align the swing path and clubface.
  • Master your wrist angles to promote a square clubface and forward shaft lean at impact.
  • Check your equipment to make sure it’s suited to your needs.

These are all the basics you need to ensure your smash factor increases. Now, let’s break down how you can do this.

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1. What do you want to improve in your full swing?

7 Ways to Increase Your Smash Factor

Make Clean Contact

The first part of this process is to make clean contact with the clubhead. You’ll want to accelerate through impact and hit with a square clubface.

Using three golf balls is one of the best drills to practice making clean contact. You’ll put one golf ball in at the toe of the club head, one behind the heel, and then the ball you will hit in the middle.

The key is to pay close attention to where the ball strike occurred and to also force yourself to hit directly in the center of the other two balls.

Find the Sweet Spot

Consistently hitting the ball from the optimal location on the clubface will increase smash factor.

The sweet spot on the driver is typically slightly above the center and toward the toe. Take a look at your driver and make sure you are at least aware of where the sweet spot is.

One way to help you understand where the sweet spot is would be to use impact tape or spray and check the position where you are striking the ball.

Many times you can make slight adjustments to the setup to ensure you are lining up correctly to begin with.

Also, use golf drills that narrow down the strike zone and create more of a path that you must hit the ball through.

Match the Clubface and Swing Path

Make sure your clubface and swing path are aligned. When the clubface is heading in one direction and the swing path in another you will have issues with side spin.

Side spin can reduce distance and make it so you hit less efficient shots.

To ensure you have control over your clubface, start wearing your HackMotion during practice sessions.

You’ll find that the ability to control the face is all in the wrists, specifically when your lead wrist has more flexion as opposed to extension.

Using alignment rods as you practice is another great way to match the clubface and the swing path and increase the overall smash factor.

Optimize Wrist Action

Proper wrist action will help increase smash factor and get you those extra yards you are looking for.

Some of the biggest mistakes we see players make is too much hinging in their backswing, as well as an increase in extension from setup to the top of the backswing.

The goal is to have a flat lead wrist as often as possible in your golf swing.

From this position, you’ll be able to release your hands and wrists and improve your overall timing and impact position.

Improve Your Angle of Attack

Adjusting your angle of attack can help you achieve a higher smash factor.

When it comes to the driver, specifically hitting up on the ball will help you increase yardage and gain distance.

The reason we place the golf ball further up in the stance for the driver is to improve the attack angle and get your driver to fly higher and further. The first thing to do here is to check your ball position.

From there you need to make sure your body is rotating and weight shifting forward while you stay behind the ball with your head. From this position you are guaranteed to strike the ball on the upswing and unleash tour-level power.

This video will show you how it’s done:

Get a Custom Fitting

Smash factor is used when doing golf fittings for players of all handicap levels.

So, if you want to analyze your smash factor, you may as well ensure you are playing with clubs built for you.

At a custom fitting the fitter can look at things like shaft flex, length and grip size to help you maximize your smash factor and ensure that your equipment matches your swing dynamics.

Have your driver custom-fitted to your swing to optimize shaft flex, length, and grip size for better performance and a higher smash factor. A fitting can help you find the best combination of equipment that suits your swing dynamics and increases efficiency.

Take a 2-minute Quiz and Step Up Your Game!

1. What do you want to improve in your full swing?

Work on Getting Stronger

Lastly, we have to make sure this one gets a spot on the list.

If you want to increase your smash factor, you will want some extra speed. Work on overspeed and underspeed training to ensure you are swinging the club as fast as you can.

Be careful with any speed training program you choose, as it can throw off your tempo when you first get stronger. Even just a few miles per hour can make a big difference.

Final Thoughts

At this point, you have the tips and data you need to increase smash factor and start getting more out of your golf shots.

Ensuring that the energy you create in your swing is properly transferred to the ball is easiest to do when you have control of your lead wrist position. Use the HackMotion to help improve your smash factor this season.

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Brittany Olizarowicz
written by Britt Olizarowicz

Britt Olizarowicz is a golf professional who has played the game for more than 30 years. In addition to loving the game of golf, Britt has a degree in math education and loves analyzing data and using it to improve her game and the games of those around her. If you want actionable tips on how to improve your golf swing and become a better player, read her guides.