How to Shorten Your Backswing in Golf (Without Destroying Your Game)
When I struggle with my golf game, I head to the chipping green. The chipping green lets me focus on the core area of impact and how to start striking the ball with consistency again.
Let’s face it, in golf, a smaller motion is easier to repeat.
This brings up the concept of a shorter backswing in golf and whether or not it could be beneficial for you. Of course, the main issue that golfers run into is a fear of losing distance, but that does not need to be the case.
I’ll show you how to shorten your backswing, keep your tempo and control, and maybe even gain a few yards of distance.
How to Shorten Your Backswing – Key Takeaways
If you don’t have time to go through my complete guide on how to shorten your backswing in golf, here are a few of the most important takeaways.
- A shorter backswing does not mean less power.
- Golfers with restricted mobility can learn to generate power and accuracy with a shorter backswing.
- The more moving parts in a golf swing, the more that can go wrong.
- Proper wrist action and wrist hinge are essential to shorten your backswing and not lose power.
- Many golfers have an easier time compressing the golf ball and incorporating their core and lower body when they keep the backswing shorter.