Getting Started with Putting Stability

Since putting grips differ from player to player, we do not provide absolute values at address, top, and impact. Instead, the player should focus on maintaining address position values and avoiding excessive wrist motion throughout the putt.

By working with world’s top putting coaches, we have determined that a stable putt can be achieved by minimizing wrist motion from address to impact, limiting it to a maximum of  +/-2 degrees for both flexion/extension and ulnar/radial deviation.

The Putting Stability mode provides two types of data:

1. Maximum Change from address numbers

The amount of maximum change in flexion/extension and radial/ulnar deviation in your stroke, relative to your address position.

For example, if your flexion/extension at address was 14 degrees and at some point during your stroke you changed your wrists extension to 15 degrees, then your maximum change from address for flexion/extension would be +1 degrees.

2. Movement Graph

The movement graph visually displays your wrist movement throughout the stroke. You can see your whole swing recorded and identify in which parts of your swing you tend to create too much wrist movement.

The movement graph provides you with a Suggested Range of +2 to -2 degrees relative to your address position, and you should aim to consistently stay within that range, keeping the line as flat as possible.

Now that you know how to get started with the Putting Stability mode using the HackMotion wrist sensor, it’s time to start practicing! In the next post we will introduce you to a drill which is helpful to getting a stable put.