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Simple Swing Improvements with HackMotion Biofeedback (Video by Ali Taylor)

How to make simple and effective swing improvements to hit straighter and more consistent golf shots?

Start with the wrist motion.

As the first step, learn to control lead wrist extension (cupping) that controls opening and closing of the clubface.

The fastest way to learn to control wrist cupping is with HackMotion audio feedback that signals when wrists are in correct position.

Watch the video below (17 minutes) to learn how to do it from coach Ali Taylor.

Before You Get Started

  1. The goal is to get the lead wrist flatter in transition and at impact. To achieve it, making the wrist flat at the top is the step Ali Taylor recommends to consider.
  2. The absolute numbers (degrees of wrist cup) differs based on your grip strength. Stronger grips naturally have a higher lead wrist extension. Focus on developing patterns instead.
  3. As a reminder, wrist extension (cupping) is bending the wrist upwards. Wrist flexion (bowing) is bending the wrist downwards. Lead wrist extension opens the clubface, flexion closes the clubface.
example of wrist positions in golf

3 Simple Steps to Practice with Biofeedback

When making swing improvements, one of the hardest parts is getting comfortable with the new motion. It can often feel unnatural and exaggerated.

That is why we designed Hackmotion biofeedback mode. It provides a sound signal when you are in your selected wrist angle range, providing objective feedback and data.

Step 1: Assess the Initial Pattern

Take 5-10 swings with HackMotion and take a look at the extension/flexion pattern of your lead wrist. Are you adding too much extension in the backswing or struggling to reduce it in the downswing?

Based on the initial data, decide on the part of the swing you want to improve.

Step 2: Slow Rehearsals for Position Training

Select immediate audio feedback and choose the range of degrees you want your wrist extension to be in. You can exaggerate the move at this point to train the position.

The real-time audio feedback will play a sound when the wrist is in the desired position. Make a few slow rehearsals to get a feel for the correct motion.

Step 3: Reinforcement at Full-Speed

Select after-shot audio feedback. It will play a sound signal after you take a swing. If you are in the correct wrist angle range, you get one type of sound. If you are out of that range, you get a different sound.

Don’t forget to track progress to know when your swing is improving and getting closer to the final goal. With the HackMotion sensor, it is easy because you get immediate data for every swing.

If you’re interested to learn more golf tips from coach Ali Taylor, visit his Youtube Channel.

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