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How Much Wrist Hinge Do You Need for A Perfect Golf Swing? (Video by Zach Allen Golf)

Have you ever wondered if you have enough wrist hinge in your golf swing? How about whether or not you hinge at the right time? Wrist hinge in golf can vary a bit from player to player.

In this video, Zach Allen shows the importance of wrist hinge and how to get control of your clubface.

What is Ulnar and Radial Deviation?

The most important thing to know about ulnar and radial deviation is the hinge up and the hinge down of the wrists. When wrists hinge up, they will show as a positive number; when the wrists hinge down, they show up as a negative number.

Watching Wrist Hinge Can be Misleading

When you watch a golfer swing, it can be hard to tell how much wrist hinge they have. Some players are very good at timing and tempo, and they may also have large or extended swings.

As an amateur player, it’s hard to see the amount of wrist hinge they have on the backswing and downswing.

HackMotion makes it easier to actually monitor the exact angles of your wrists throughout the swing.

Most importantly, taking your wrist action and motion and comparing it to that of the best golfers in the world is what leads to quicker and more focused improvement.

What the Pros Can Teach Us

After analyzing more than 1,000,000 golf swings, HackMotion has learned a thing or two about what wrist hinge looks like in a golf swing. The results may surprise you.

Less is More

Less wrist hinge is easier and typically more effective for amateur players than you think. The wrist hinge is often overexaggerated in the first part of an amateur player’s swing. That early wrist hinge makes for a more exaggerated unhinge on the downswing.

As you may have guessed, that exaggerated unhinging is not all that powerful or effective.

Body Gets More Involved (In a Good Way!)

When the wrist hinge is decreased, you remove a variable from your golf swing. With this variable removed. The body can get more involved in the golf swing. A little extra body rotation and core movement increase speeds through the golf ball.

A major positive!

Timing is Easier

Finally, when you keep the wrist hinge to a minimum, timing becomes easier. Instead of having to worry about unhinging soon enough to give yourself time to square the clubface, a little less wrist hinge will have you approaching the ball with a square clubface that is ready to fire at the target.

Timing is something that almost always becomes easier when larger muscles are used.

Take advantage of that by getting your ulnar and radial deviation in check.

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Master clubface control to improve accuracy and consistency on the golf course.

Use HackMotion to Develop a More Wristless Feeling

At the top of your backswing, you can’t see what is going on. This is what makes HackMotion such a valuable tool.

Wear the HackMotion and start to develop a feeling that is almost wristless and less active at the top of the backswing. For most golfers, this will feel like a slightly shorter golf swing. Try to work in slow motion first and check what the HackMotion numbers for ulnar and radial deviation are showing.

A great swing thought is, “I don’t need to swing the club; I’ll move it with my body motion.”

Final Thoughts

Certain areas of the golf swing are very hard to see and feel. HackMotion allows you to investigate these things and accurately compare how your swing compares to that of the professionals.

Wear your HackMotion swing analyzer to improve wrist hinge and hit more consistent golf shots.

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